We are living at the extreme end of the final part of the last days.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i'll start with a couple.....jws believe that everything in revelation is symbolic except the number 144,000.. jws believe that donating blood is wrong.
yet jws can accept "blood fractions" which can only be recieved if one donates blood!.
We are living at the extreme end of the final part of the last days.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i'm curious to know reasons for wanting to be an elder?.
some have expressed to me they wanted to use their abilities to help others.. another said he wanted to be in the inner circle to make sure he was able to look after his families' interests in the event of any future mishaps by his children.. i think many just get caught in the web of handling microphones, then ministerial servant then elder.. i know it's easy for me to say as i wasn't any of these (apart from microphones) but .
i can't help thinking for most men it is simply helping to fulfill a desire for more power.. many don't seem content to be viewed as a mere publisher but want to get in on the action, knowing all the gossip and being involved on decisions.. is it true that deep down, even though most may have good motives, it is still out of a feeling of self importance.. thanks .
I refused eldership twice!
Never did want to get into the politics of it.
Funny thing though, the elder body seems jealous. I don't have to do the routine mechanical dry in-step that they "have to" perform all the time. I'm free to help shepherd the sheep in my own way, give attention to the ones overlooked by the elders in the congregation, making myself approachable and available which the elders can't do because they are wrapped up with scheduling and paperwork before during and after meetings.
You know what ticks the elders off the most. When we have guests or visitors in the congregation, they always assume that I'm the elder and that the PO or secretary isn't. These elders really don't like being overlooked or mistaken for not being elders. I'm not that old, in my 30's, in case you were wondering.
See. That's only one reason why I don't want to be an elder. Your hands are tied while on a power recognition trip. Doesn't sound like fun nor a privilege to me.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
next weekend is my district convention.
my wife has, in all capital letters, written "district convention" on the calender in the kitchen.. i told her i'm not going.
look, it's too cramped, i have some physical problems that will not allow me to sit, like a grasshopper for hours and hours.
So she says we can go for the public talk on Sunday afternoon.
Just a heads-up for you :
The public talk will be on Sunday morning instead. The drama will begin after the lunch break.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
from someone who attended:.
there was a big elders meeting in columbia sc on saturday june 9.. around 240 congregations, 2000+ elders.. the society wants to build a brand new assembly hall in columbia, sc, to handle the huge influx of jws moving to the us southeast from up north.. they expect to have it done in 34 months (finished by april 2010).
total cost estimated to be approximately $8 - 9 million.. they want to have the whole thing paid for by the time the building is done - no long term loans.. they "strongly suggested" that each of the 240 congregations commit to supporting "their share" of the expense.
The elders in each cong. will have to make up the difference. If they pledge to do it, they will
be expected to make up any shortcomings of their own flocks. That could be an extra $100 in
any given month for any one elder, with several each month having to find more windows to
I was wondering about this.
Do the elders have to make up any defecit on account if their congregation is unable to fulfill its resolution to finance any endeavor such as this one?
Well then, if this is the case, MAY ALL congregations just say "yes" to these types of resolutions. Don't worry. Those taking the lead in the congregation (elders) will gladly be a pillar of support if you are unable to satisfy your obligations in terms of financing any project. Afterall, it is based on your voluntary and anonymous contribution. They'll never know who donates what.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i always tried to my best as a jw, to observe what the watchtower and bible told us "not to do".
then i became inactive and lowered my guard, and didn't care as much.
i think that my first jw sin, was playing lotto, then talking to disfellowshipped ones in my congregation, then posting on apostate forums, and then giving blood.
A couple of Benson & Hedges menthols I stole from a pack of cigarettes that my "worldly" friend's mother had lying on her dining room table. Yes, I got a nasty head rush and almost threw up what was in my stomach. Oh yeah, since I stole them, it can be considered a double sin.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
...we used to get when the circuit servant/overseer/area douchebag manager would come to our congregation and give his "special talk" on sunday complete with slides or a movie?
it sure was a nice change from watching some guy up on the platform wearing a cheap suit and droaning on and on about nothing.
we used to get when the Circuit Servant/Overseer/Area Douchebag manager would come to our congregation
I still see the elders scurrying to get in their token shepherding calls during the final weeks before the CO visit, so that they can answer in the affirmative when asked during their CO/Elders meeting.
I still see the service overseer scurrying to make his appointed visits to each book study group during the final weeks before the CO visit.
I still see the secretary scurrying to the back room to handle tons of paperwork and to have them in order during the final weeks before the CO visit.
I still see the PO scurrying about and approaching each publisher to insure that they can accomodate the CO in terms of transportation, field service, meals, Bible studies to go to...etc.
Yes, when the CO is coming to town....there is excitement in the air!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
P.S. I, in turn, got the CO excitedly frustrated when I refused eldership twice!
how many of us suffered in the jws from a lack of justice, love, or abuse of power by elders?
how did it make you question what you believed or had been duped into believing?
would be good to hear experiences so we can bounce ideas off each other on how it freed you from fear of authority or otherwise.
I found myself more encouraged by some humble brother or sister in the corner, who the elders would consider, inconsequential.
Oh so true!
My current "team" of elders in the congregation are task masters. Shepherding is done on a token basis the week before the CO visits the congregation. Any and all so-called counsel and direction that was given to me in this congregation wasn't based on fundamental Biblical truths. How do I know? I even asked them to crack open the Bible to help me understand the reasoning behind their direction. The answer I got : Read the publications. Funny, isn't it?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
yikes, the end is near!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
that's about the only thing i just can not get past.
i have gotten over many, many of the things i grew up with, except that one.
There are several in my congregation who say, "We are now living at the very end of the final part of the last days".
Now really, how close to the end can you get?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
let's show up at a few assemblies (close proximity) and have a p-a-r-t-y!
screw the debates over words; when we spoke to the boe, cos, dos, and bethel we were dealing with murderers, pedophiles, and protectors of mean men and women, called brothers and sisters.
now it's our time to have some fun within "the courtyard of the gentiles.
I'm curious as to what the "theme" is for this annual event.
This year the WTS has the theme "Follow the Christ" for their annual convention.
What about this JWD International tour/convention?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i know some elders want to be real shepherds in the biblical sense and are constantly challenged by wt directions that are cold unloving & self serving and many leave because of this.
such an elder who has his own conscience and is troubled by it does not make the best wt elder.
im looking to name the characteristics that make the best wt elders.
The best Watchtower elders have inflated egos.
It just so happens that their egos are based upon their "works".
Same story at every level in the WTS.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)